Friday, 10 August 2012


Just recently, in the last two sessions of SPL, I added to the curriculum, amongst other things, a session where I teach my students about the necessity of firing people. Okay, I know I am bad. That is not news, but can we just please pretend that I am good? Thanks. And not just about firing people, but also how to fire good people; people who are really putting in their best but their internal bandwidth is not just big enough. Okay, now we know I am really bad! But please, let’s get over that.In this life you must learn to take hard decisions.

One of the most common mistakes among Christians today is trying to play God. You are not God. You have never been, you are not, and you will never be. So, please, don’t try and hijack God’s job description. God has not called any one man on earth today to save the rest of the world. He sent Peter to the Jews and Paul to the Gentiles. So, let’s stop this fuss about trying to save the rest of the world.

Because you are concerned about one person, you condone all manner of nonsenses from that person and you start playing God. And before you know it, you become ineffective in reaching out to the many others who you should have reached out to. Some now go to the extent of employing diplomatic measures to salvage a relationship that was never meant to be by avoiding the cancerous tissue that is staring at them in the face. The lump you don’t deal with today will become the cancer that will kill you tomorrow. It’s just a matter of time.

I really believe in training people, watch them grow, see them make mistakes, and bounce back. I believe in giving people time because some other people did the same for me. But, believe me, not everyone wants to grow. And doctors will tell you, when it gets to a point where they have to choose between the life of the mother or the life of the baby, the mother comes first. And that is my stance. David Cho said, “If I cannot cast away the demon, I will cast the man and the demon away.”

You need to know that you are the CEO of your life. And your top two job descriptions are to hire and to fire. If you say you are so filled with the Holy Spirit and therefore you will not fire anybody, your patience is everlasting, your organization, which in this case is your life and others God has blessed you with, will crumble before your very eyes. You will end up losing everything. Don’t play God. He never sent you to save the rest of the world.

Be careful who you let into your boat. Sometimes the reason your boat is sinking could just be because of someone in your boat. If you are able to identify that person, don’t be afraid to throw him into the sea. God may just have a fish waiting for him. But if you let him remain in your boat, you, your crew, and your boat may sink while that person may still be saved. God was ready to sink a ship, killing everybody in it and still save Jonah.

Trees shed their leaves, Bears hibernate, Reptiles change their skins. All these are for us to learn from. If you want to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, then you have made yourself El Shaddai and you shall soon die. You will split heaven’s gate wide open but when the books are open and you see all that God destined for you that you never accomplished you will weep, then God shall wipe away your tears. (Rev 7:17)

The process of pruning is not easy but it is a necessary step. Some branches just don’t produce fruits. Period. Why keep that branch with you? Even in the corporate world, occasionally, organizations collapse entire departments when the departments no longer contribute to the overall objective of the organization. That is where outsourcing came from. Some organizations have to downsize and cut down on the salaries of those who scale through for the organization to scale through some tough times. If you cannot brace yourself up to take some tough decisions earth has no place for you.

I know many people think I am too tough. Some say I am too serious. So, when someone is chatting with me and see me use ROTFL, LOL, and other laugh chats, they are surprised. But truth is, I enjoy life just like, if not much more than most people. I have many editions of Night of a Thousand Laughs, I listen to Tuface, P-Square, Bracket, etc. I visit the cinema for movies. But I am a well trained person; trained by the best. And I have developed myself to the point where I know the line where emotion stops and reality kicks in.

Life is a complex machine, but the principles by which it operates are very easy.  Once you align yourself with the principles, everything becomes easy. The problem is that these principles have no respect for emotions, tribes, religions, creed, or skin colour. These principles have no boundaries. If you practice them, they will work for you. If you break them, they will break you. That is why four times every year: January, April, July and October, I devote the whole month teaching people these principles from a biblical perspective at the School for Personal Leadership.

The one whom Jesus loves,
Mute Efe,

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