Tuesday, 17 July 2012


Never Mourn Your Singleness: Most singles in life worry themselves a lot about their being single forgetting the fact that singleness has nothing to do with marriage. To be single is just a state of life not a stage of life. Singleness is a state of boldness. Never mourn your state of being unmarried or single.

Never Take Your Heart On A Journey Without Your Brain: When going into a relationship of any kind, always allow your brain to be involved even if your heart will also be involved. Give the brain a chance to come in.Remember that the components of one’s life are;
·        Head
·        Brain
·        Passion

Every Relationship Must Be Defined: An undefined relationship is a dangerous relationship. The heart of a man is definitely dangerous. A man does not grow old but as a woman, a year you waste is 5years wasted.

Never Wave Away Warning Signals: If anything is going to happen or anybody is going to help you, a warning signal always comes which must not be ignored.

Look Before You Leap: If any plan fails to materialise, there is always a room to go for another. Get to know whom you’re dealing with and also get to know more about the other party’s family.

Never Look Down On Anybody: You  are not what you wear, or what you drive. Be nice to everybody you meet and remember ‘People are just people, their income,position in life doesn’t make them better or worse than anyone else. The same kind of people you meet on your way up are the same kind of people you meet on your way down.

Prepare For Marriage And Not For Wedding: After so many years of relationship or courtship with one another, people tend to prepare for wedding and not to prepare for marriage forgetting the fact that ‘Wedding is for a day, marriage is for a life time’. There is a big difference between a wedding and marriage.

Don’t Sacrifice Future On Unnecessary Pleasure:  Though,there are many temptations in one’s way to success but the future belongs to those who are ready to dare and confront the impossible with the determination to overcome. Your future depends on so many things but mostly on you. Your past is experience, present is experiment, future is expectation, so use your experience in your experiment so as to make your expectation come true.

Notes Taken
 Olumide Emmanuel's Seminar
Talabi Abisola.

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